Aspire to be more.png
Female personal trainer


Advanced Personal Trainer Level 3

Nutritional Adviser

Group Fitness Instructor

ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy) Practitioner

CIMPSA / REPS registered

I’m Jo

Movement & sport has always been a big part of my life. As a youngster I was passionate about gymnastics, tennis and swimming. Then university came along and like many,  I swapped sport for socialising.

It was group exercise that re-ignited my love for fitness. The changes it made to my strength and body shape I expected but the real revelation for me were the benefits it would have on my mental health. I loved the endorphin kick and sheer energy it created. I realised then, that I had found so much more than just a way of keeping fit. Regular exercise was having a profound effect on my mood and confidence. It remains my ‘leveller’ when life gets tricky.

Fast forward to my thirties and I was feeling disillusioned with my desk job and wishing I could spend my time in a more worthwhile way. In 2011 I decided to turn my passion into my work and train for a career in the fitness industry. It was at this point in my journey that the power of correct nutrition hit home for me. Once I understood the roles that food groups play in our bodies, I started to see food as a way to really nourish and fuel myself. When I applied this knowledge to my training I started to see and feel real results.

These days, as a Personal Trainer & Nutritional Adviser I divide my time between one to one coaching and instructing group fitness classes. My approach brings together positive nutrition, (focusing on the nutritional value of our food), with tried and tested fitness programming that gets results.

I am passionate about my job. I live and breathe it. I love seeing the transformation in my clients as they move through their health and fitness journey. It’s truly inspiring.


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